
­  1、小作文回答:2015年2月,美国东部和罗切斯特出现了全面的,破纪录的低温天气。我们这儿白色冬天(和其他三个美丽的季节)里茁壮成长的学生们想知道你如何能让罗切斯特“更酷一些”?(罗切斯特大提供学生根据自己独特优势和兴趣制定自己课程方案的机会。与这种哲学相匹配,我们希望给申请者机会来构建自己独特的附表文书。请在下列选项中选择最能显示你对上罗切斯特大学兴趣以及最能突出你个人天赋和兴趣的一个题目。三选一,这是第一题,字数限制:250词。)

­  1、ESSAY RESPONSE. Answer Essay Question: February 2015 saw global, record-breaking low temperatures in the Eastern US and Rochester. Students here who thrive in white winters (and three beautiful other seasons) wonder how can you make Rochester ""ever-cooler""? (max 250 words) (NOTE:The University of Rochester provides students the opportunity to build their own curriculum based on their own unique strengths and interests. Aligned with this philosophy, we wish to provide applicants the ability to build their individual supplemental response. Please select one the following methods that best illustrates your interest in attending the University of Rochester and will best highlight your individual talents and interests.)

­  2、创造性的回答:请描述你提交的创造性的材料和你对罗切斯特大学的兴趣之间的关联(最多250次)。 如果想上传较小的文档,比如一个摘要或者写作样本,请登录My ROC。文件大小不能超过800kb,而且必须是PDF格式。如果想要上传较大的文件,比如音乐或者视频,请提供一个可以访问的链接。(罗切斯特大提供学生根据自己独特优势和兴趣制定自己课程方案的机会。与这种哲学相匹配,我们希望给申请者机会来构建自己独特的附表文书。请在下列选项中选择最能显示你对上罗切斯特大学兴趣以及最能突出你个人天赋和兴趣的一个题目。三选一,这是第二题)

­  2、CREATIVE RESPONSE. Please describe how your creative submission relates to your interest in University of Rochester (max 250 words). To upload smaller documents, such as an abstract or writing sample, log in to MyROC at enrollment.rochester.edu/myroc. File size cannot exceed 800KB and must be in .PDF format. For larger files, such as music or video, please provide a URL where they can be accessed. (NOTE:The University of Rochester provides students the opportunity to build their own curriculum based on their own unique strengths and interests. Aligned with this philosophy, we wish to provide applicants the ability to build their individual supplemental response. Please select one the following methods that best illustrates your interest in attending the University of Rochester and will best highlight your individual talents and interests.)

­  3、研究性回答:请描述你的研究摘要如何与你对罗切斯特大学的兴趣相关联(最多250词)。如果想上传较小的文档,比如一个摘要或者写作样本,请登录My ROC。文件大小不能超过800kb,而且必须是PDF格式。如果想要上传较大的文件,比如音乐或者视频,请提供一个可以访问的链接。(罗切斯特大提供学生根据自己独特优势和兴趣制定自己课程方案的机会。与这种哲学相匹配,我们希望给申请者机会来构建自己独特的附表文书。请在下列选项中选择最能显示你对上罗切斯特大学兴趣以及最能突出你个人天赋和兴趣的一个题目。三选一,这是第三题)

­  3、RESEARCH RESPONSE. Please describe how your research abstract relates to your interest in University of Rochester (max 250 words). To upload smaller documents, such as an abstract or writing sample, log in to MyROC at File size cannot exceed 800KB and must be in .PDF format. For larger files, such as video, please provide a URL where they can be accessed. (NOTE:The University of Rochester provides students the opportunity to build their own curriculum based on their own unique strengths and interests. Aligned with this philosophy, we wish to provide applicants the ability to build their individual supplemental response. Please select one the following methods that best illustrates your interest in attending the University of Rochester and will best highlight your individual talents and interests.)




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