
  1.展现丝路风采 促进人文交流 让世界更加和谐美好

  1. Showcase the ancient Silk Road, promote people-to-people

  exchanges, and build a more beautiful and harmonious world.

  2.文化圣殿 人类敦煌

  2. Dunhuang, a towering edifice of human culture.

  3.和平合作 开放包容 互学互鉴 互利共赢

  3. Peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.


  4. Towards a road of peace, prosperity, openness, innovation and civility.


  5. Promote an innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared Development.

  6.传承丝绸之路精神 促进文明交流互鉴

  6. Carry forward the Silk Road spirit, promote mutual learning and inter-civilization exchanges.

  7.构建命运共同体 开创合作新格局

  7. Build a community of shared future, create a new pattern of cooperation.

  8.深化国际文化合作 促进文明成果共享

  8.Deepen international cultural cooperation, share the achievements of all civilizations.

  9.文明在开放中发展 民族在融合中共存

  9.Civilizations flourish amid openness, nations go for integration while living side by side.

  10.创新务实合作机制 推动文化交流互鉴

  10.Spur result-oriented cooperation with new mechanisms, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning.

  11.唱响交响丝路 共建如意甘肃

  11.Promote Silk Road development by building a beautiful Gansu.

  12.诗与远方 如梦教煌

  12. Dunhuang, a wonderland of poetry and dreams.

  13.推动文化交流 共谋合作发展

  13. Promote cultural exchanges, seek cooperative development.

  14.加强文化交流 促进民心相通

  14.Promote cultural exchanges, strengthen people-to-people friendship.

  15.文载丝路 博览天下 汇聚敦煌

  15. The Cultural Expo brings world attention to Dunhuang.

  16.丝路名片 文化请東

  16. An invitation to the Silk Road and Chinese culture.

  17.交响丝路 如意甘肃

  17.  Silk Road in Symphony ,Gansu in llarmony.

  18.共享丝路古文明 同启发展新丝路

  18. A glimpse at ancient civilization and fresh ideas for a new Silk Road.

  19.丝路牵手世界 敦煌有约天下

  19.Dunhuang on the Silk Road reaches out to the world.

  20.让世界了解教煌 让敦煌走向世界

  20. Bring the world to Dunhuang, and Dunhuang to the world.

  21.文明因交流而多彩 文明因互鉴而丰富

  21. Civilizations become colorful and richer thanks to exchanges and mutual learning.

  22.穿越千年历史 畅游精品丝路

  22. The Silk Road, a proud history of thousands of years.

  23.当好东道主 办好文博会 喜迎八方客

  23. Be a good host, present a successful Expo, and make guests from all over the world feel at home.


  24. Work together to add new glories to the Silk Road.

  25.传承丝绸之路精神 推动一带一路建设

  25. Carry forward the Silk Road spirit, promote the progress of the Belt and Road Initiative.

  26.迎文博 讲文明 树新风

  26. Prepare the Cultural Expo with a new code of conduct.


  27. A warm welcome to all guests and friends coming from around the world.

  28.相聚如意甘肃 共享丝路机遇

  28. The meeting in Gansu is an opportunity at the Silk Road.

  29.聚焦新时代 开启新征程 共享新丝路

  29. The New Era opens a new journey for a new Silk Road.


  30. The 3rd Silk Road(Dunhuang)International Cultural Expo.


1.展现丝路风采 促进人文交流 让世界更加和谐美好 1. Show...


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