英语中的人称代词(Personal Pronouns)有主格、宾格和所有格之分,如:
I, me, my ; he, him, his ; they, them,their等。
顾名思义,主格(The nominative case)用作主语,宾格(The objective case)用作宾语,所有格(The possessive case)则表示所有之物。
*(1)Wilcox spoke to I.
*(2)Her knew what had happened.
*(3)Wilcox spoke to my friend and I.
*(4)He and her knew what had happened.
*(5)This is between you and he.
这种错误是可避免的。第一,在有介词的复合结构中,特别要注意,第二个人称代词,必须用宾语,如:"for you and me"和 "between Maria and him".第二,试把复合结构中的另一部分暂时用括号围起来,那么该用的格就容易辨别了,如:
(6)This message is for (My father and) I or me.
(7)(Marry and) he or him went downtown together.
显然的,(5)里的代词是宾格的"me", (6)里的代词是主格的"he".
(8)a. You did as well as she.
b. You did as well as her.
(9)a. I am older than he.
b. I am older than him.
(10)You did as well as she did.
(11)I am older than he is .
(12)a. Jason praised Maria more highly than I.
b. Jason praised Maria more highly than me.
(13)a. Jason praised Maria more highly than I did (= I praised Maria).
b. Jason praised Maria more highly than he praised me.
不然,把(13)a变成(14), (13)b变成(15)也可:
(14)I did not praise Maria as highly as Jason did.
(15)Jason did not praise me as highly as he praised Maria.